Not sure what your work needs? Editors Canada definitions follow:
Structural editing is assessing and shaping material to improve its organization and content.
Stylistic editing is editing to clarify meaning, ensure coherence and flow, and refine the language. Stylistic editing is often done as part of a structural edit or copy edit rather than as a separate step.
Copy editing is editing to ensure correctness, accuracy, consistency, and completeness.
Proofreading is examining material after layout or in its final format to correct errors in textual and visual elements.
I edit presentations, reports, websites, academic theses, and books. A few examples:
Stylistic editor Drone Nation: The Political Economy of America’s New Way of War, Geoff Martin and Erin Steuter, Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
Project editor Nova Scotia Cookery, Then and Now, featuring a historic recipe collection from the Nova Scotia Archives with modern interpretations by Nova Scotia chefs, Nimbus Publishing, 2017.
Copy editor sections of Tr’ondëk-Hwëch’in UNESCO World Heritage site nomination proposal, 2016–2017.
Proofreader Westray: My Journey from Darkness to Light, Vernon Theriault, Nimbus Publishing, 2018.
Copy editor Siegebreakers, Justin Podur, Fernwood Publishing, 2019.
Proofreader East Coast Best Lobster Rolls, Virginia Lee and Elaine Elliot, Formac Publishing, 2021.
Proofreader Sounds Like a Halifax Adventure, Jen Powley, self-published, 2020.
Copy editor Modern Paleo, Tanya Paulin, e-book, 2020.
Copy editor Identifying as Arab in Canada: A Century of Immigration History, Houda Asal, Fernwood Publishing, 2020.